Membership Discounts
2025 年的华联会员,在以下合作商家消费时,凭实体会员卡或电子会员卡加驾照,即可享受以下优惠
Registered 2025 CAFA members can enjoy the following discounts by presenting their physical or digital CAFA membership card along with a driver’s license at the merchants listed below.
北卡华联 – CAFA NC
优惠信息/Discount Info: 华联签证服务立减$10, 华联拍证件照服务立减$5, CAFA Visa Services $10 Off, CAFA Passport Photo Services $5 Off
商家服务/Services: 团结华人,促进中美文化交流, Unite Chinese American Communities and Promote Sino-American Cultural Exchange
地址/Address: P.O. Box 898, Cary, NC 27512
大亚洲超商 – Grand Asia Market
优惠信息/Discount Info: 使用现金支付享受九五折,信用卡支付九八折,特价品除外, Pay with cash to enjoy a 5% off, or pay with a credit card for a 2% off. Special offer items excluded.
商家服务/Services: 亚洲超市, Asian grocery store
地址/Address: 1253 Buck Jones Rd, Raleigh, NC 27606
电话/Phone: (919) 468-2988
SPA By Jing
优惠信息/Discount Info: 面部皮肤护理服务10% OFF;2人同行额外赠送眼部超声波护理,医美项目服务5%返点, 10% off facial skin care services; bring a friend and get a complimentary ultrasonic eye treatment, plus a 5% rebate on aesthetic treatments
商家服务/Services: 美容和医美, MED & SPA
地址/Address: 570 New Waverly Place Cary, NC, 27518
电话/Phone: 919-600-1560
Daily Vita
优惠信息/Discount Info: 九折, 10% OFF
商家服务/Services: 保健品, Nutritional supplements, Fitness supplements
地址/Address: 76 Hunter St STE 106, Apex, NC 27502
电话/Phone: 919-372-5249
Peak Sports Club
优惠信息/Discount Info: 无预约打球,85折, Morrisville/Apex/Greensboro/Charlotte 4店通用, Walk-in play, 15% OFF, Valid at 4 locations: Morrisville, Apex, Greensboro, and Charlotte.
商家服务/Services: 高端室内匹克球和羽毛球俱乐部, Premium Indoor Pickleball and Badminton Club
地址/Address: 2126 Energy Dr.Apex.NC 27502
北美跑腿(北卡)- RunAboutEr APP
优惠信息/Discount Info: 注册跑腿(RUNABOUTER)APP,即送半年免费会员资格(免费送餐送菜+额外商品折扣等优惠 ,价值$120), Register for the RUNABOUTER app and receive a six-month free membership (including free delivery for meals and groceries, plus additional discounts on products, valued at $120)
商家服务/Services: 一站式服务平台,提供包括餐饮、购物、出租车、搬家、家政、快递、餐饮外包等多种生活服务, A one-stop service platform offering a variety of life services
电话/Phone: 833-822-8880
王晓阳律师事务所 – Law Office of Fiona Wang, PLLC
优惠信息/Discount Info: 律师费 九折, 10% OFF legal fees.
商家服务/Services: 遗嘱信托和公司法务类法律服务, Will, trust, and corporate legal services.
地址/Address: 135 Parkway Office Ct.,Suite 205,Cary, NC 27518
电话/Phone: 919-633-6645
成都七号 – Chengdu 7
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九折, 10% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 川菜, Sichuan cuisine
地址/Address: 748 E Chatham St, Cary, NC 27511
电话/Phone: 919-883-5567
蜀香春 – Asian Kitchen
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九折, 10% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: Asian Dishes, 亚洲风味
地址/Address: 1125 NC-54, Durham, NC 27707
电话/Phone: 919-490-5678
大丰收 – Good Harvest
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九折, 10% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 火锅和干锅, Hot Pot and Dry Pot
地址/Address: 1104 Ledsome Ln, Cary, NC 27511
电话/Phone: 919-977-3836
Dim Sum House
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九折, 10% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 粤式点心餐馆, Cantonese Dim Sum Restaurant
地址/Address: 100 Jerusalem Dr #104, Morrisville, NC 27560
电话/Phone: 919-380-3087
客串江湖 – Toyar’s BBQ & HOTPOT
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九五折, 5% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 烧烤和火锅
地址/Address: 4075 Davis Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560
电话/Phone: 919-412-8078
Hibachi Bowl
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九五折, 5% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 日式铁板烧和寿司, Hibachi Grill and Sushi
地址/Address: 8109 Fayetteville Rd #129, Raleigh, NC 27603
电话/Phone: 919-803-2267
念长安 – Miss Chang An
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九五折, 5% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: Authentic Xi’an Cuisine, 正宗西安美食
地址/Address: 311 Ashville Ave # J, Cary, NC 27518
电话/Phone: 919-890-5011
树屋家 – Mr.Dumpling
优惠信息/Discount Info: 所有菜品 九五折, 5% OFF on all items
商家服务/Services: 中餐, Chinese Dishes
地址/Address: 5470 Apex Peakway, Apex, NC 27502
电话/Phone: 919-387-7709
NEO Brows Salon
优惠信息/Discount Info: 九折,嫁接眉毛和美容服务需要预约, 10% OFF, Eyebrow grafting and beauty services are available by appointment only.
商家服务/Services: 嫁接眉毛,美容面部皮肤护理, Eyebrow grafting and facial skincare treatments
地址/Address: 800 W Williams St #148, Apex, NC 27502
电话/Phone: 919-816-2968
纳川鼎一教育 – Nachuan Ding Yi Education
优惠信息/Discount Info: 九折, 10% OFF
商家服务/Services: 文化课程,课外班, Language Schools, Private Tutors
地址/Address: 1601 walnut st ste 101 Cary, NC 27511
电话/Phone: 984-319-6047
Venus Spa
优惠信息/Discount Info: 八八折, 12% OFF
商家服务/Services: 头疗、美容、面部和身体护理, Scalp therapy, beauty treatments, facial and body care
地址/Address: 160 Macgregor Pines Dr Ste 310b, Cary, NC 27511
电话/Phone: 919-394-1107
Raleigh School of Ballet
优惠信息/Discount Info: 九五折, 5% OFF
商家服务/Services: 提供专业的儿童和成人古典芭蕾舞培训, provide professional training in classical ballet for children and adults
地址/Address: 3921 Beryl Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607
电话/Phone: 919-834-9261
优惠信息/Discount Info: 九折,请提前24小时预约, 10% OFF, Kindly schedule your appointment 24 hours in advance.
商家服务/Services: 针灸, Acupuncture
地址/Address: 1513 Walnut St Ste250, Cary, NC 27511
电话/Phone: 919-650-1115
Mike Zheng CFP®
优惠信息/Discount Info: 免费为家庭根据自家的情况预估将来退休所需的资金,明确努力方向。We offer free retirement fund estimates tailored to your family’s situation, helping you set clear goals for the future.
商家服务/Services: 未来规划投资顾问, Future Planning Investment Advisor:
地址/Address: 630 Davis Dr., STE 128, Morrisville, NC 27560
电话/Phone: 919-641-3048