Location,TX 75035,USA

Category: Youth Volunteer

Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival at Cary, NC

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival event at Cary, NC, on Sep 28, 2024. A group of CAFA youth volunteers helped thirteen dragon boat festival visitors to complete or update their voter registration, while the general election is just a little over a month after.

CAFA Youth Volunteer Summer Python Programming Course Successfully Concluded

The CAFA Youth Volunteers successfully held a one-week introductory Python programming course for primary and secondary school students this summer. The course was held from July 22 to 26 and was taught online through the ZOOM platform, aiming to enrich the children’s summer break life and stimulate their interest in programming. All the tuition income…
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CAFA Youth Volunteers Return to Jordan Lake for Cleanup, Collecting a Truckload of Trash

On August 25, 2024, a group of 60 volunteers from the CAFA Youth Volunteer group and AYLUS Chapel Hill branch returned to Jordan Lake near Apex, NC, for a cleanup effort. The volunteers, including youth and their parents, had previously cleaned a major section of the lake on February 3, 2024. To their dismay, they…
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New Butterfly Garden Blooms at Chapel Hill Community Center Park

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, Chapel Hill Community Center Park welcomed a new butterfly garden, thanks to the efforts of the Chapel Hill Park and Recreation Service and more than 18 youth volunteers from the CAFA group. The garden, designed to attract and support monarch butterflies, features newly planted milkweed, a vital food source for…
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CAFA youth volunteers volunteer during Lunar new year

The Chinese New Year, also called lunar new year celebration, is an especially important event in many East Asian cultures. It is based on the lunar calendar, which has 13 months each with 28 days. This year, the lunar new year was on Saturday February 10th.  Usually, on this auspicious occasion, Chinese families would be…
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