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Category: News & updates

Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival at Cary, NC

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival event at Cary, NC, on Sep 28, 2024. A group of CAFA youth volunteers helped thirteen dragon boat festival visitors to complete or update their voter registration, while the general election is just a little over a month after.


由北卡华人联合会(CAFA)等48个华人社团及商家共同发起的飓风灾后物资捐赠活动已顺利完成。昨天,从五个不同地点收集的捐赠物资最终汇集到北卡佛光山,并装载到一辆20尺的U-Haul卡车和另外三辆小型卡车上,今日已经成功送达由北卡农业厅组织的捐赠点——State Farmers Market。 这些物资将由北卡农业厅组织车辆于明天送往灾区山区,帮助受灾民众重建生活。 与此同时,Gofundme的募捐活动也即将划下句号,目前捐款金额已达到五万美元。如果还有准备捐款的朋友,请尽快通过以下链接捐赠:。 我们衷心感谢各大团体、商家、个人以及广大志愿者的积极参与和大力支持!这一切离不开大家的共同努力和爱心奉献!

Food Donation to Celebrate Chinese New Year

To celebrate the Lunar New Year, on the first day of the year of Tiger, CAFA volunteers delivered about 400 donated meals to the people in need in Raleigh, Cary and Chapel Hill.

Building Confidence and Leadership in Chinese Teens

Through growing up in a Chinesefamily and an American socialenvironment, issues with self-identityare a problem that Chinese teens can’tavoid. Many Chinese schools make agreat effort at helping students tounderstand and embrace their culture,but the current teaching is still notenough. This lecture hopes to helpteens develop confidence andleadership through the personalexperience of a Chinese-American highschool student.…
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Tax Saving Tips and New Tax Reforms 2022

Please Join 2022 CAFA Online Training Series. Topic: Tax saving strategies & 2022 new tax laws explained! Host: CAFA NC VIP speakers: Mr, Zhengguo Hu (CEO, 泛宇集团), Dr. Steve Niu (CEO, 三角会计事务所) Time: EST 8pm, 1/16/2022

Free Covid Vaccination at Grand Asian

北卡华联关爱华人邻居和朋友们的健康,为方便更多的人打上疫苗,特地联系了Wake 郡的卫生部预约了这个疫苗接种地点。 为了更方便居民接种新冠疫苗,北卡威克郡在辖区设置数个接种点,分不同地点不同时段为居民免费接种。 提供辉瑞和Moderna两种疫苗任选,不需要预约。 接种时间:6月5日,本周六,中午12:00-下午4:00。 大亚洲超市的地点: 1253 Buck Jones Road,Cary, NC 27606

Food and 5000 Masks donation

爱心中餐日,CAFA协同六大餐馆共捐赠710份热餐,发放5000多只口罩。中华美食之美名不仅仅在于营养丰富味道鲜美的中华美食,更是背后华裔的爱心与担当。在此次疫情之中,我们华人在危机之中展示的有胆识勇奉献的一面。 危机危机,是险境亦是契机。在疫情愈加严重的局势下,北卡华裔从大局出发,为大家着想,身先士卒献爱心,传递的是华人的真诚与担当,展现的是华人的勇敢与善良。

Vigil – Standing in Solidarity with Atlanta AAPI Community

Standing in Solidarity with Atlanta AAPI Community We are saddened and appalled by the senseless mass shooting in Atlanta that claimed eight lives, including six Asian American women. This heinous attack followed a pattern of escalating violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) over the past year. According to the Center for the Study…
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2021 Virtual Chinese New Year Gala

2021 Chinese New Year Gala

Free Masks Distribution in Chapel Hill

支持北卡安全重启,免费发放民用口罩,每人每车十只口罩。 时间: 2020年5月31日 星期日下午1:00—4:00 地址:140 W Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 组织方:Light Up & 北卡华人联合会