Location,TX 75035,USA

Author: CAFAWeb NC

Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival at Cary, NC

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival event at Cary, NC, on Sep 28, 2024. A group of CAFA youth volunteers helped thirteen dragon boat festival visitors to complete or update their voter registration, while the general election is just a little over a month after.

CAFA Youth Volunteer Summer Python Programming Course Successfully Concluded

The CAFA Youth Volunteers successfully held a one-week introductory Python programming course for primary and secondary school students this summer. The course was held from July 22 to 26 and was taught online through the ZOOM platform, aiming to enrich the children’s summer break life and stimulate their interest in programming. All the tuition income…
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CAFA Youth Volunteers Return to Jordan Lake for Cleanup, Collecting a Truckload of Trash

On August 25, 2024, a group of 60 volunteers from the CAFA Youth Volunteer group and AYLUS Chapel Hill branch returned to Jordan Lake near Apex, NC, for a cleanup effort. The volunteers, including youth and their parents, had previously cleaned a major section of the lake on February 3, 2024. To their dismay, they…
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New Butterfly Garden Blooms at Chapel Hill Community Center Park

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, Chapel Hill Community Center Park welcomed a new butterfly garden, thanks to the efforts of the Chapel Hill Park and Recreation Service and more than 18 youth volunteers from the CAFA group. The garden, designed to attract and support monarch butterflies, features newly planted milkweed, a vital food source for…
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CAFA youth volunteers volunteer during Lunar new year

The Chinese New Year, also called lunar new year celebration, is an especially important event in many East Asian cultures. It is based on the lunar calendar, which has 13 months each with 28 days. This year, the lunar new year was on Saturday February 10th.  Usually, on this auspicious occasion, Chinese families would be…
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Tax Saving Tips and New Tax Reforms 2022

Please Join 2022 CAFA Online Training Series. Topic: Tax saving strategies & 2022 new tax laws explained! Host: CAFA NC VIP speakers: Mr, Zhengguo Hu (CEO, 泛宇集团), Dr. Steve Niu (CEO, 三角会计事务所) Time: EST 8pm, 1/16/2022

Mental Health First Aid Training 1/15/22

精神和心理健康是人体身心健康的重要部分。 精神健康问题离我们并不遥远,但是人们往往对其发生发展和表现形式认识模糊,对其引发的各种人身损害和家庭危害认识不足。 精神心理健康问题常常被误以为性格差异。 即使知道其存在,也只是用常人思维去看待,无法有效帮助患者。 为了解决上述问题,让大家有心理健康方面的基本知识来更好地保护自己及家人,帮助朋友及社区,北卡华人联合会(CAFA-NC)将与威克郡精神健康组织(NAMI-Wake)合作,邀请精神心理专家于1月15日9:00 am -5:00 pm在北卡州立大学罗利校园举办 “Mental Health First Aid”集中面授培训。 培训名额20,按报名先后确认,CAFA会员优先。 培训的相关费用(讲課费、书本材料费和午餐费)均由组织机构通过”许晓梅纪念基金”承担。 培训完毕,每个学员将获得由MHFA-USA颁发的证书成为Certified Mental Health First Aider。 点击下面链接(https://nccafa.org/registrationmhfa/)到CAFA 网站报名。

Mental Health First Aid Training

精神和心理健康是人体身心健康的重要部分。 精神健康问题离我们并不遥远,但是人们往往对其发生发展和表现形式认识模糊,对其引发的各种人身损害和家庭危害认识不足。 精神心理健康问题常常被误以为性格差异。 即使知道其存在,也只是用常人思维去看待,无法有效帮助患者。 为了解决上述问题,让大家有心理健康方面的基本知识来更好地保护自己及家人,帮助朋友及社区,北卡华人联合会(CAFA-NC)将与威克郡精神健康组织(NAMI-Wake)合作,邀请精神心理专家于10月23日9:00 am -5:00 pm在北卡州立大学罗利校园举办 “Mental Health First Aid”集中面授培训。 培训名额20,按报名先后确认,CAFA会员优先。 培训的相关费用(讲課费、书本材料费和午餐费)均由组织机构通过”许晓梅纪念基金”承担。 培训完毕,每个学员将获得由MHFA-USA颁发的证书成为Certified Mental Health First Aider。 点击下面链接(https://nccafa.org/registrationmhfa/)到CAFA 网站报名。

Fall Vegetable Garden Maintenance

北卡三角区的生活达人黄美华女士,种菜长达30年之久,不仅自得其乐,还不时将成果和经验写成文字、拍成视频跟同胞们分享。 黄美华:秋天种菜和果树维护 1 . 为什么要秋天种菜(Why Gardening in Fall) 2. 秋天种菜前的准备(Fall Garden Preparation) 3. 秋天种哪些菜及最佳种植时间(Fall Vegetables and Time Table) 4. 几种特别蔬菜的种植(Few Special Vegetables’ Planting) 5. 有机肥料的准备(Organic Fertilizer Preparation) 6. 秋天果树的维护和施肥(Fruit Tree and Other Tree Maintenance) 主办:北卡华人联合会、华人头条 8月28日,周六 晚7:30 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 500 6623 Passcode: 6666666

Adobe Lightroom Intro

北卡三角区资深摄影爱好者余文金(鱼目)先生,将于今晚给大家讲《Adobe Lightroom 新手入门》。欢迎对Adobe Lightroom 感兴趣的朋友们准时参加。 余文金,业余摄影爱好者,南北卡自然摄影协会和北卡凯瑞摄影艺术家俱乐部成员。喜欢拍摄风光、舞台、微距等多种题材。作品多次在当地报刊和网络发表。他的作品最近也在摄影画廊1x.com 发表。曾连续十年应邀为北卡华联春晚摄影。作品颇受RTP华人喜欢。 Time: August 14, 2021 7:30Pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 500 6623 Passcode: 6666666