Location,TX 75035,USA

Month: October 2024

Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival at Cary, NC

CAFA Youth Volunteers helped voter registration during dragon boat festival event at Cary, NC, on Sep 28, 2024. A group of CAFA youth volunteers helped thirteen dragon boat festival visitors to complete or update their voter registration, while the general election is just a little over a month after.


由北卡华人联合会(CAFA)等48个华人社团及商家共同发起的飓风灾后物资捐赠活动已顺利完成。昨天,从五个不同地点收集的捐赠物资最终汇集到北卡佛光山,并装载到一辆20尺的U-Haul卡车和另外三辆小型卡车上,今日已经成功送达由北卡农业厅组织的捐赠点——State Farmers Market。 这些物资将由北卡农业厅组织车辆于明天送往灾区山区,帮助受灾民众重建生活。 与此同时,Gofundme的募捐活动也即将划下句号,目前捐款金额已达到五万美元。如果还有准备捐款的朋友,请尽快通过以下链接捐赠:https://gofund.me/f1283abe。 我们衷心感谢各大团体、商家、个人以及广大志愿者的积极参与和大力支持!这一切离不开大家的共同努力和爱心奉献!