Location,TX 75035,USA

13300 Masks Donated to Wake Med and Rex center

Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina

13300 Masks Donated to Wake Med and Rex center

4月2日下午,北卡华商团(福建老乡)以“Local Chinese Business Owners”的名义为Raleigh Rex Wellness center 和Cary Wake Med Hospital 2间医院共捐赠了5000只医用口罩和1650个KN95口罩,这是北卡华商团的第一批捐赠物资,其中KN95 1650只,捐赠给Raleigh Rex Wellness center和Cary Wake Med Hospital各825只;5000只医用口罩,Raleigh Rex Wellness center和Cary Wake Med Hospital分别捐赠2500只。