CAFA Chinese Visa/Authentication Service

地点: RACL Campus (Apex Middle School, Building B, 400 East Moore St., Apex, NC 27502)
时间: 8月25日 周六 早晨 9:30 – 10:30
CAFA Visa/Passport Committee plans to provide a China visa service as well as a Document Authentication service on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2018.
Here is the time and location:
PLACE: RACL Campus (Apex Middle School, Building B, 400 East Moore St., Apex, NC 27502)
TIME: 9:30am – 10:30am, Saturday, Aug. 25
由于中国大使馆一年前签发了新的签证申请照片要求,从CVS或Walgreen等商店拍摄的照片不再符合新的要求。 为了帮助大家获得满意的照片,CAFA签证服务委员会将提供现场照片服务。 服务费为每人10美元。
As China Embassy issued new visa application photo requirements a year ago, the photos taken from shops such as CVS or Walgreen no longer meet the new requirements. To help people obtain satisfactory photos, CAFA Visa Service Committee will offer on-site photo service. The service fee is $10 per person.
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